Wednesday, July 1, 2009

June 2009: The Month That Refused To End

Pepe helps with the move.

Robot times two.

Huzzah! Life has regained meaning! After two weeks sans home internet service, Adam and I once again have a wireless connection and I can wile away hours of daylight, wilting in the sickly pale glow of the computer screen. Best of all, I can do so without shelling out $3.99 per two hours of Starbucks service.

June 2009 was not smooth sailing. There seemed to be an outlandish amount of turbulence for 30 days - my first experience with a home robbery, police rendezvous, landlord shenanigans, financial buffoonery, 10 days without my man, family health scares, quick moves, new lease, new apartment - culminating in one of the single happiest/emotional/amazing/scariest events of my life: Leo's (really) early arrival.

My cube: Tricia bobblehead, Leo's baby pic and that unexplained gold painted rubber glove that came with the desk.

It's been weeks since I've had a chance to sit and write about "normal" life (i.e. obsessively chronicling my Whole Foods purchases or analyzing my cat's behavior) and I'm loathe to admit that I have nothing better to offer than this entirely self-indulgent explanation of why it's been a whole damned month since I've posted. Oh, and a few new photos (Again, I would post many more images, but the douche that broke into my terrible Hollywood home had more use for my phone-to-computer-cord-cable than I.)

Tentative plans for a Steel Chef Redux are in the making. This time, with TWO guest judges and a slightly different approach. That post will be better than this. I promise.


  1. That's an awesome picture of your cube!

    I am so happy for your family. I can understand (to a small degree) what that must have been like and I'm so happy that you and your family can enjoy something that you all deserve.

    I'm super sensitive like that.
